Beauty that doesn’t cost the planet

When considering the influence we have on our environment, it’s easy to point to brazen habits such as using plastic bags and coffee cups. On the infinitesimal scale, almost everything we do is causal and a large part is taken up by our routine and the products we use on a quotidian basis. Beauty and skincare is no exception. Why do we have to list off an innumerable, and at times unpronounceable, amount of chemicals on the back of our shampoo bottle or face wash? 


Cuemars is always searching for ways to buy better and it’s the reason why we have skincare products which observe the power of natural, organic, and raw ingredients. We currently stock beauty products from UpCircle, Evolve Organic Beauty, Palm of Feronia, Booming Bob, and Munio Candela. Each brand is dedicated to using natural ingredients such as coffee and clay. We believe the materials found in nature are often the best ones. 

These days a phrase that is thrown around is clean beauty. So, what is clean beauty and why is it important? Clean beauty is free of parabens, which are used to help preserve products for longer shelf life. Additionally, most clean beauty is free of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) which is what makes a lather form in shampoos and gels. A focus on more conscious beauty has led to an emphasis on essential oils and natural skin cleansers, for example, coffee grounds which are used to exfoliate the skin. 

cuemars beauty

An important part of adopting a clean beauty lifestyle is knowing what to avoid and what ingredients are non-toxic. Natural products are derived from plants with little processing. While organic ingredients are ones that are made with non-GMO ingredients meaning they cost slightly more given the astute processes of growth and preservation sans chemicals. The products we use and their effects on our skin and on the environment is significant. We believe if it’s in our control, why shouldn’t we change our damaging habits and opt for cleaner beauty products?
