Posterzine® Issue 79 | Jake Foreman - Limited Edition
- Posterzine
- A1 format poster (594x841mm)
Introducing Jake Foreman, an Australian illustrator, for Issue 79. Known for his vibrant psychedelic scenes. A master of colour, the artist’s designs have a unique sense of aliveness and optimism.
Jake’s branded work includes an apparel line for Grammy Award-winning musician Billy Strings and t-shirts for vaporizer brand Puff Co. But the artist is particularly dedicated to developing his personal practice. Get your copy to find out what’s next for the artist, his insights on creating your own style, and the role eastern philosophy
plays in his work.
Posterzine® is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm). Printed by Pressision Ltd using two special Pantone spot colours or CMYK.
Direction: Marcroy Smith
Design: Tom Sutcliffe
Interview: Kate Hollowood
Limited edition.