The School of Life

How to Find Love

  • Guide to understand why we love the way we do and to whom
  • Pinpoint some harmful patterns that we may have
  • Help to make safer choices in love
  • Hardback book


'How to Find Love' is a brilliant and helpful book by The School of Life that aims to guide us when choosing a partner.

We have all been heartbroken, disappointed and have wondered at some point in life why we always go for the same type of partner. This book will explain why we do this and how our early experiences can have an effect on how and whom we love.

'How to Find Love' describes some harmful repetitive patterns and the most common techniques that we use to sabotage our chances of happiness and provides a set of tools that will help us make safer and more effective choices in love.




Hardback book | 96 pp | 181 x 110mm