Summer Rayne Oakes

How to make a plant love you?


Summer Rayne Oakes, an urban houseplant expert and environmental scientist, is the icon of wellness-minded millennials who want to bring nature indoors, according to a New York Times profile. Summer has managed to grow 1,000 houseplants in her Brooklyn apartment (and they’re thriving!) Her secret? She approaches her relationships with plants as intentionally as if they were people.

This is Summer’s guidebook for cultivating an entirely new relationship with your plant children. Inside, you’ll learn to:

*  Pause for the flowers and greenery all around you, even the ones sprouting bravely between cracked pavement
*  Trust that your apartment jungle offers you far more than pretty décor
*  See the world from a plant’s perspective, trading modern consumerism for sustainability
*  Serve your chlorophyllic friends by learning to identify the right species for your home and to recreate their natural habitat (Bonus: your indoor garden won’t die!)

When we become plant parents, we also become better caretakers of ourselves, the people around us, and our planet. So, let’s step inside the world of plants and discover how we can begin cultivating our own personal green space–in our homes, in our minds, and in our hearts.

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 208 pp.
  • Dimensions: 5-1/2 x 8-1/4