
Posterzine® Issue 83 | Reeg - Limited Edition

  • Posterzine
  • A1 format poster (594x841mm)


Issue 83 brings you the wonderfully cheeky, witty, and hot-as-hell illustrations by REEG. The London-based artist is best known for his voluptuous women and their signature sass, the stars of his milky pastel scenes. 

While building a loyal fanbase on social media, the artist has published books like REEG’s Thin Book of Thick, turned his characters into figurines, and collaborated with artists like Marylou and Reginald Pean.

Here, REEG discusses the key elements of his work, his evolving style, and why he sees art as one big conversation. 

Posterzine® is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm). Printed by Pressision Ltd using two special Pantone spot colours or CMYK. 

Direction: Marcroy Smith
Tom Sutcliffe
Interview: Kate Hollowood

Limited edition.