
Posterzine® Issue 59 | Marco Oggian - Limited Edition

  • Posterzine
  • A1 format poster (594x841mm)
  • illustrator Marco Oggian



For our 59th issue of Posterzine™ we chat with Marco Oggian about getting expelled from university and what hidden messages are often entwined with the upbeat characters he creates.

Marco Oggian is an Italian artist known for his upbeat graphic patterns and signature almond-shaped eyes. From his studio, Marco tells us about his influences, the role of art in social movements and how he likes to play with colours. 

Posterzine® is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm). Printed by Pressision Ltd using two special Pantone spot colours or CMYK. 

Direction: Marcroy Smith
Tom Sutcliffe
Interview: Kate Hollowood

Limited edition.